Facility Details
Small Animal Practice
Southern California wine country -
Situated on the border of the Pechanga Indian Reservation equidistant from San Diego,
Los Angeles, and Orange County.
Served by Interstates 15, 215, and the popular CA route 79.
Surrounded by a large family oriented residential community that includes military.
- Located in a VERY busy shopping center with major retailers at a large intersection.
- The practice is 3 years old
- Terrific practice layout encompassing 1,700 sq. ft.
- Practice has approximately 5000 client files.
- Grosses approx. $400K - owner works 30 hours a week
- Offered for sale at $350,000
- Limited doctor's hours - Monday Through Friday
- Start 10am-11:30am for appointments
- close
- re-open 4pm-5pm for appointments
- 2-6 surgeries per day
- Thursday start 2pm, surgery, Appts until 5:40pm
- One Saturday / month - vaccine clinic 9am-12noon
- New buyer - Blow the doors OPEN!