Facility Details
4 SALE @ $$ 385,000.
Only hospital in its zip code which has a:
- Population of 20,575
- Average house value of $940,200
- Average income per household of $973,001
- 4450 new more homes being devleoped.
No other shopping/business plaza in its zip code for another animal hospital to be built.
Ideal location and clientele, not much local competition.
- Very busy plaza during lunch.
- Main plaza in neighborhood.
- Also right off the freeway
Showcase hospital, beautiful design, nice flooring, cabinetry, etc...
Good potential especially with no aggressive marketing and available doctor all times yet
Exelllent reviews on yelp
The closest two hospitals are both 2.2 miles driving distance.
There are many businesses and a big medical campus right along the 405.
- Many of those employees pack the shopping plaza during lunch hour.
- Potential for drop-offs